Monday, October 19, 2009

POAS (aka pee on a stick)

The EPT test has four little lines that make up the thicker line. A positive is a plus sign and a negative a minus sign.

So, yesterday my test had one of the four lines making the plus sign. Yay right? I thought today there might be more. But, and there is always a but, today there were none. Just the minus sign was there. So...I don't anticipate good news tomorrow for my Beta. We'll see.



  1. *hugs* Hoping that you get a good beta result <3

  2. Come on, Beta! Thinking about you.

  3. OH, I really really really hope that it was simply that yesterday's pee had a stronger concentration of HCG in it!!! Hang in there!

  4. Oh crap. Here's holding on to hope that the test is just defective!

    Good luck and thanks for all your support over my way. It means a lot!

  5. at least your beta is tomorrow so you don't have to wait too too much longer. fingers crossed for you!

  6. GOOOOOOOD LUCK!! Keep positive. Ha ha. Get it?

  7. It's not over until the fat lady sings, right?

  8. LOL at Ann and Peters comment!

    Good luck for tomorrow!!

  9. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, maybe the test was just a dud. When I started testing, I got a positive on an FRER but then the next day around lunch on a different test I got a hardly visible line, much much lighter than the day before... and my beta #s were nice and high. Hoping is the same for you.

  10. Hoping for the best! Good luck tomorrow! Hugs!

  11. So sorry to read about the roller coaster of POAS fallout. Remember 7% pregnancies are not picke dup by even the most sensitive ones at 13dpo. I am praying hard for your tomorrow...

  12. All of the other wise women have said this, but it's not over until it is. So try to distract yourself this evening and good luck tomorrow!

  13. Waiting in breathless anticipation for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

  14. Here's my experience with EPT. At 7dp5dt, I had a FAINT positive in the afternoon. The next day it was even fainter (read: barely visible), and that was with fresh morning pee. It freaked me out so I went and bought a First Response, which showed two definitive, bright pink lines later that same morning. Personally, I think EPT sucks, and I'm hoping you just had the same stupid experience with it as I did. Good luck tomorrow!

  15. Best of luck tomorrow. I will be checking for the good news like a beta addict. Good Luck!!!!!
