Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ode to the Red Head

I have a sister named Deb
Who has a terrific red head
With curls that abound
And bounce up and down
When picking my future
Baby's bed.

Okay, I don't think I can continue my ode, but let me tell you about my great sister. Since she's a special ed teacher, she had the summer off. May I mention now that it is the first summer she has taken off in TEN years of teaching. For you non-teacher's you may think, "What's the big deal?" Literally, breaks are all about keeping teachers sane. So she decided to take a road trip during her well deserved vacation with my house as the eventual destination down here in Louisiana.

Her whole time here she has spent driving back and forth down to Lafayette which is 2.5 hours away from where I live. So this means that my sister drove 1726 miles from California to come stay with me in my beautiful house in a Walmart town. Then she turned around and drove to my nine appointments which took 45 hours of driving time!

With my husband on his third twelve month tour to Iraq, I definitely have gotten use to doing things without him. I just do everything without a traditional support network. Having a husband and not having him with me during this year of infertility treatments has been a long journey. Having great friends and a family a phone call away has been such a help. So has this blog in fact!

Between all of this, I think I forgot and also underestimated the support I would need with this IVF treatment. So having my sister here to help me with every step has been amazing. She has taken care of me after my polyp removal, egg retrieval, and waited on me hand and foot since the transfer. She even walked my dogs for me over the past week so I could rest. She's not a saint by any means, she lost that label when she took a picture of me snoring up a storm after my full anesthesia! Evil! However, she's been literally the thing I needed most that I didn't know I needed.

Thanks so much for coming this summer Deb! I love you! Travel safely home.


  1. You are absolutely right!!! I love her (almost) as much as you! Aren't we so lucky we have great sisters to rely on when we need them?


  2. As an only child, this post makes me wish I was blessed with an awesome sister like Deb!! I'm even more envious that she's a red head - I am sometimes too - but I get that from my hairdresser! ;)

    Glad that she's such a wonderful support - big YAY for Deb!!!

  3. I love my little sister very much and wish we loved closer. I'm very glad I was there. She needed the support, as do all ya'll others who are trying right now. However, I still think I should get to name the middle name.....HAH! I still maintain that I took that picture so you could scrapbook the whole process of what you went through. :}
