Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I have really been enjoying my caffeine lately. Yep, right after the BFN, I went and ordered a large diet coke. Yum, yum. Loved every drop too. However since our IF direction is unclear right now, I've been severely limiting my intake to desperate times.

These desperate times are pretty pathetic right now. Since I am only teaching my online university classes, I really don't have any schedule I must adhere to. Hmm. That means when I wake up in the morning, eat my cereal and let the dog out, I usually sit down on the coach and get very sleeeepy. Since I am under no pressure, I simply give in and enjoy my delicious nap.

In order for me to actually wake up at a reasonable time, I have to give in to the siren call of caffeine. After all of these years, I still don't really enjoy coffee except for an iced-non-fat latte with a splen.da from Star*bucks. So the only option is a nice sugary coke from my husband's stash. The sugar is a double-bonus since we've stopped buying anything like that.

So with everything up in the air, do I stay away from caffeine? Do I start the crazy healthy diets that have been driving other IF bloggers nutzo? Do I finally go to an acupuncturist now that I have access to one? Does any of this stuff really make a difference? Help me, oh blogger friends!



  1. I am sticking with decaf nonfat lattes and mochas for now. I will not, ne CAN NOT, give up chocolate, though. It's like giving up oxygen. I am on a diet to try and drop some effing IF pounds, though, until the new doc tells me to stop and eat like a human for a new cycle. I hate dieting. But I also hate chub, so a-dieting I go. (Don't have to point out the incompatibility of this with my statements on chocolate. Reason does not apply.)

  2. I am soooo guilty of the caffeine thing right now. Personally, I think the fake sugars are worse than caffeine. I cut all of it out during all of my cycles minus the last one-I did have a cup of coffee in the morning during the last part of my cycle (*that's* probably what caused me to ovulate early!). I don't know what the right thing to do anymore is. I say just be happy and do what makes you feel good. If you feel better not drinking coffee, don't drink it. Want some pop? Drink it. I don't know. I'll be curious to see what others say too. I haven't tried any IF diets, I think I generally eat pretty healthy and have the bad stuff in moderation. I always think of the other girls that end up pregnant doing everything they normally do and drink caffeine throughout their pregnancies. Why should we suffer anymore than we have to? The needles should be enough, right?

  3. Yes, go to the acupuncturist, it will be good for your energy, and stress! Plus it's fun. Make sure they do cupping.

  4. I say do what makes you happy. All of this overthinking of diets and drinks only adds to our already overstressed lives. I am guilty of this as well. If you do try the acupuncture thing please do share. I am considering it to.

  5. I cut out caffeine in april/ may, mostly because I didn't like being addicted to something, less b/c of the IF thing. It really wasn't that hard once I got past the mind crushing headaches of the first week. And so I say, cut out the bad stuff, nap if you're tired, and eat so you feel healthy and satisfied. fwiw, I love acupuncture -- just started and I love the napping with the needles in.

  6. Oh I don't know what is the right thing to do. Everyone says "don't do this" or "do that" but like you say... does it really make a difference? I'm a bit irrational with these things actually, one day i'll be very strict on myself and then the next I am so complacent that I figure even a small glass of wine wouldn't hurt THAT much. I'm going to try accupuncture this time though and have my first one scheduled in a couple of weeks so wil let you know how it goes.... I figure if it can relax me a bit then yay, if as a bonus it helps me produce kick arse eggs then thats even better, but I'm not pinning all my hopes to it.

  7. I am a caffeine-free gal..not b/c of IF but b/c I like to drink iced tea and all of that caffeine intake all day long just doesn't agree with me. I tried accupuncture and it does not calm me or soothe me. I think massages are much better!

  8. I cut back on caffeine when we started TTC in 2006, but I was drinking a lot at that time. Basically I got down to one latte a day, maybe two. During an IVF cycle I avoid caffeine, but otherwise I don't worry about it.

  9. I still drink my morning coffee - but that's pretty much the only caffeine I consume in the day. My Naturopathic Dr. gave it the "okay" so I'm going for it! (I love my coffee.) I am trying to eat better, etc. otherwise so I figure something's got to give somewhere!
