Thursday, November 12, 2009

FairyEggs is a Go!

Yesterday, I called Dr. L's office to see if he had a chance to review FairyEgg's results. When he called, he first said that she wouldn't be a good choice but then turned the page and changed his mind with her nice antral follicle count! Her blood tests were borderline with her E2 level at 50.1 when they were looking for below 50. Her FSH was a 9.6 which was slightly under the 10 maximum they will accept. However they usually want at least eight antral follicles, and she had thirteen! Yes, her follies are definitely our over-achievers here! So, happily we have FairyEggs green-lighted for our cycle!

This morning I faxed off my record request to Dr. S so that we can be ready to go on Tuesday when Dr. L calls me to go over my history. Incidentally, Dr. S was delighted to hear of our good fortune for this cycle. He's so great. :)

In other news, I interviewed for a third grade teaching position at the school across the street from me. As nice as the principals are, I am kind of hoping that I don't get the job. I know that sounds strange, but the vice-principal told me that I could probably sub everyday somewhere in the school district if I wanted. With an up-coming cycle, this might actually work out better for me. I could be busy but not stressed when I needed to take off time. We'll see!



  1. Thank heavens for Fairy Eggs! Sounds marvelous!!! Happy for you, my friend!

  2. Yay! Great news! I'm soooo looking forward to your BFP this cycle! ;) And yeah, subbing does allow for flexibility while cycling. You get to work AND be off when you want to (except if you're mainly at one school, which is my case, and people notice when you're not there). Subbing is definitely better than having a full time classroom when you have a bunch of stuff going, as I suspect you will very shortly here! Good luck, Friend!

  3. Happy dance! Happy dance! I'm thrilled for you that FairyEggs is a Go!

  4. YAYAYAYAYAYAYA! I'm so glad the fairy eggs are a go! I personally would sub. You still get to teach without all the added work! :)

  5. YEah, go for the subbing for sure-no full-time! YAY FOR FAIRY EGGS!

  6. Awesome! Good luck with the cycle. And the substitute teaching idea sounds like a great idea.

  7. Yeah for fairy eggs!! woo hoo! And seriously, do only the work you want to/ can afford to do. THis is stressful enough without having to deal with work schedules.

  8. Yay for the fairy eggs and Boo for them not realizing how wonderful you are! You should have gotten the job!
