Saturday, January 9, 2010


Here I am again!  This is real!  We are going through with this!  Sometimes it still feels unreal that fifteen years after meeting J that we will be going through this together.  I think this makes us related now.  I feel like she is my sister, so now we can just make it official! 

I am excited and admittedly a little nervous.  I will be taking crazy drugs (that I heard will make me a bit fat and have a mean headache) and leaving my family for ten days.  I have never been away from my husband that long in the ten years we have been married.  Not to mention the two other kids I will be leaving at home.  Thankfully I have a great friend who will be keeping them and is hugely supportive and a WONDERFUL husband who thinks this is a great idea! 

I also have to say thanks to the entire family who will be putting up with me, Tink and my mom for a very long time.  Hopefully we will be the best house guests ever!!!  My school has been extremely understanding and wishes everyone the best of luck.  It is amazing the support I have been getting from them.  I found out our assistant principal went through the exact same thing and ended up adopting a little girl.  You never know who you will meet that will endure the heartache that so many of you have felt.  I hope that this act will not only help a wonderful man and woman to be parents, but that everyone has hope of someone giving the gift to you, whether it is through adoption, egg donation or just support and understanding.  After reading several of your blogs, I wish the same for all of you.  I have a whole new perspective on infertility that I never had to think of and I am a better person for having been directly involved in the process.

Wish us luck!   Does anyone think that acupuncture will help me with making good healthy sticky eggs?



  1. You know, I have no idea if we should be having you to acu too. We'll have to ask the doc! I was excited to see that he has an in house acupuncturist which I was planning on using before the transfer. I love you girl!

  2. Awww, heaps and heaps of luck and hugs to both of you! Really, truly, it is an amazing gift and touching bond to share. I am super stoked to follow your journeys! :)

  3. I'm so incredibly excited to hear about this journey! Best of luck to you!

  4. Fairy Eggs, It's just amazing what you're doing for your friend. I hope the little bit of fatness and mean headaches aren't too bad.

  5. I'm not sure if it made the difference, but I did acupuncture before my IVF cycle (and I'm pregnant with TWINS!) first it was a bit odd...but after a while I did feel a little a flow through my was weird. If you ask my acupuncturist he would tell you it made all the difference in the world! :o) I'd say go for can't hurt!

  6. Fairy Eggs, Good luck this week. You are such an awesome friend to be doing this. I wish there were more girls like you that could give this gift.

    I'm a firm believer in acupuncture and I find it very relaxing. I saw a change in the quality of my eggs after starting acupuncture so I say go for it.

  7. yay for fairy eggs! Nice to hear from you again. Good luck with the drugs!

    As for acupuncture i'd say go for it! the relaxation benefits alone are outstanding! I'm not sure I understand all the other supposed benefits but just to be able to walk out of the appointment and feel like I was floating in bliss was worth it for me.

    Thinking of you both.

  8. squeeeee! really excited over here!! acupuncture yes!

  9. I am a huge proponent of accupuncture....I went my whole fertility cycle and also my whole pregnancy. My husband says he didn't think it so much helped the eggs (I was almost 41 at the time and our response was not great...but good for our age)....but he said I was soooo calm and centered through the whole process and he often tells me I should go back just for that...ha ha. Fairy are the best friend a girl could ever ask for. I totally would do this for a friend too if I weren't so old and an Infertile myself. This is the greatest gift!


  10. You are both amazing and so blessed to have each other. Keep us updated as things progress.

    Lots of thoughts and prayers for you both :)

  11. I am SOO excited for you!!! THe big dates are SO soon!
    I have never done the acupuncture thing with my IVFs but a lot of ladies have. If you have the money and want to-go for it. But if you don't have the funds I wouldn't worry about it destroying your chances at all.
    PS- my credit card company always calls after we've paid for an IVF too, lol.

  12. What a wonderful, selfless thing you're doing for your friend. Good luck, and I'll be praying for you!

  13. You are such a selfless person for doing this! What a blessing for her!

  14. Sending you copious amount of good wishes.....

  15. I just got caught up with your journal. I'm so excited for you! What a great way to start 2010. I've got everything crossed for you!

    Good luck!
