Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Monday (6w2d)

Another Monday morning and time is not passing quick enough for me since I'm dying dying dying to get into register with the OB clinic tomorrow and get a dang appointment for an ultrasound! I want to see a heartbeat!

I was delighted this morning that my husband asked me when my appointment was tomorrow. He wanted to know as soon as possible when the ultrasound would be scheduled so that he could possibly come with me. I know for most people, this isn't something out of the norm. However, with my hubby ensconced in a military training, missing any portion of the class is really not an option. It made me smile that he was looking forward to it.

The spotting has been occurring off and on since my last post, however it has been really light. I continue to feel nauseous at all hours of the day but have not thrown up at all. So, I spend most of my day drinking water and sipping Sprite while laying on my couch attempting to work.  I feel like a big (happy) lump.



  1. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Lots of thoughts and prayers for a fabulous heartbeat. I know what you mean regarding husbands and appointments. It seems strange to me that some husbands have "normal" jobs and can just come and go as they need to.

    Stay on your couch with the fluids, and rest up!
    All the best!

  2. Hooray for happy lumps and a happy bump! XOXO

  3. I find that arrowroot cookies go down pretty easy. And plain crackers. I cannot wait to hear your joy when you finally hear that heartbeat!

  4. OH THE NAUSEA! How I do not miss it! NOW IT's HEARTBURN! Thank the good Lord for ZANTAC...AHHHH! Glad you are feeling symptoms! Can't wait for your ultrasound!

  5. I will be thinking about you tomorrow! Also- really, is there ANY better reason to be a big lump?!? I think not! Hopefully V will be able to get off long enoug to come to the ultrsound.

  6. Have you tried Preggie Pops? Or lemon flavored candy. It helped me a lot with Caroline. Just a thought! You can get the Preggie Pops at Babies R Us. Miss you! Can't wait to hear when the big day is!


  7. I love it when dad's get excited and interested in appts and little things!!! Sounds like you have a good one!

  8. Wishing you the very best for the u/s. Am glad that your DH is so excited about this.

    Have read about spotting occuring in pregnancy. I totally hope that it is innocuous...and that the bpm reading is a rockstar!

    And J, thanks for the blogoversary wishes...
