Friday, May 21, 2010

Visits Galore

I feel so remiss in my blogging in that I can't keep up with all of my visits and fun! Let's summarize:

Last week I recovered from my trip to New Hampshire and Boston with a quick day to turn around a pile of finals and then a run to St. Louis to pick up Fairyeggs! This was just a quick trip in for a few days which is perfect so that she doesn't start to pine for her kids too much!! We had a fantastic time eating at PF Changs and registering for my baby paraphernalia. I loved having her there and simply registered for everything she told me to! I figure that I am clueless and after three kids, she is a pro. We spent a good four hours at the store going through each aisle. I even took notes. Geesh, I am such a dork. 

The best part of the visit is that we talked about our feelings for this baby. Fairyeggs was actually a wee bit nervous to see how things had changed. To both our delights, I think that we are both headed along the same lines. This experience has given us this inexplicable tie between our families. My parents and sister are so infinitely grateful for her gift and also had a chance to get to know Fairyegg's mom and daughter whom they adore. Fairyegg's mom and sister have both followed me through my entire journey and have cried with happiness over our success. Now more than ever, I feel this tie to her family whom I always loved.  It's like they have moved into the realm of those family friends who are truly part of your family. I am so lucky to have all of them.

After Fairyeggs departed, I turned around to unsuccessfully grade my next set of finals and ended up sleeping the day away instead. No matter! I picked myself up the following day to drive the four hours to visit my grandma. I haven't mentioned this here, but we found out a couple of months ago that she had uterine cancer. After a surgery, we found out that radiation was also needed which she just completed last week. For my infinitely healthy grandma in her eighties, we were all pretty shocked with the news. Since we moved so close to her, I haven't actually been able to get down to see her. First there was the holidays, trips to California, pregnancy, and endless nausea. With the nausea, there was absolutely no way I could make the drive as I could barely take fifteen minutes in the car. Needless to say, I finally got down to see her which was lovely. I love her dearly. All of my cousins, aunt, and uncle who live there also made the time to come over and see me which I appreciated. It's so nice seeing all of my cousins as adults. 

I finally hauled myself back home and am now desperately putting off grading finals. However, I must get to it! The move has creeped up on us, and the movers come right after Memorial Day! One week people! We'll leave the following week for our trip and new adventure in Alaska! 



  1. It sounds like a great few weeks. I'm sorry about your grandmother; but it is nice to get together with family, even for events that are not alway positive.

  2. Oh my gosh - you've been busy! I'm glad it all went well and you're gearing up for your big move. Good luck!

  3. what a busy few weeks you have had! Sorry about your Grandma, glad at least you had safe travels.

  4. You have been so busy. I'm sorry about your grandma, that is really tough. Good luck with the move.

  5. your story is so beautiful! yaay for alaska!

  6. So excited to hear all about your move to Alaska. Also, very sad about your grandma - sorry.

  7. My husband has always wanted to travel to Alaska. One day we will make that trip!
    I'm so sorry about your grandma!!

  8. Well Missy, you have had your share of trips really! I hope Alaskan adventure is superfun too!

    I am soooo happy that you and Fairyeggs were able to share your heart's content on the issue, and that the respective families are so supportive!

  9. Holy canoli's busy lady! So much exciting stuff! And it's wicked exciting that you have registered for baby things! I can't even contemplate that, honestly. I'm so happy for you :)
