Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Are you ready...

for CD1?

While we haven't wrapped up the contracts yet, we are going ahead with the the planning for il bel bambino (aka baby #2). With a few short emails written from my phone over the past week, I got my very own prescription for birth control pills to start today. I admit that this got me pretty excited because 1) I don't have to bleed for a billion days. Yay for me! 2) I get to start on another amazing journey.

I've got a lot of emotions swirling around me regarding this cycle. I'll try to sum them up.

I'm grateful. I'm grateful to just to have the chance to add a child to our family while also gaining an amazing connection with another family. I'm grateful that E will have a sibling and more 'cousins' to add to the list of people who love him.

I'm terrified. I often think of disrupted adoptions. Someone chooses a couple and then changes their mind. A very tiny illogical part of me is afraid that the couple will change their mind to share their embryos with us.

I'm joyful. Having E in my life fills me with joy at the most unexpected times...hearing his belly laugh, feeling the warmth of him while he curls up next to me, dancing to the Wiggles... I can't wait to have this joy x 2. Is it even possible to be that happy?

I'm scared. I'm scared that my cervix will fail me (better tie that sucker tight doc!)

I'm hopeful. I see pictures of the children from the family who chose us, and I just feel full of hope. What's he going to look like? Will he have that fantastic grin? Will she have that soft pink glow?

All I know now is that with this little birth control pill, it has started. Whootwhoo!



  1. Congratulations on beginning your journey to baby #2. Hope everything goes smoothly and you are soon prego with a sibling for E!! Best of luck to you!

  2. What an exciting day - I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to join the journey with you!

  3. Very exciting stuff! Best of luck!

  4. I am soooo excited for you!!!! I remember my anticipation as well....ours was an anonymous embryo donation....but still so much excitement. I will keep all the good baby dust coming your way! Yay for beginning again!!!!

  5. Oh how exciting! I'm very hopeful and excited for you!!!

  6. There is so much hope at the beginning of a cycle. I am so happy for you. Remember the hope that you have now as the journey continues. It is a beautiful thing! Good luck.

  7. So exciting! Can't wait to hear the good news :)

  8. Looks like we'll be cycle buddies! I start BCP tomorrow! :)
