While they arrived early at 31 weeks + 3 days, they're doing really well in the NICU. Right now, I'm just grateful that we all made it and are okay. The birth story will be coming as soon as I can manage it.
Teacher. Military Wife. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Infertile. Now Mother.
I use to spend my days warping young minds as a teacher. However, three IVFs and one super fabulous donor later, I found myself knocked up by another man. Now, I'm a mom staying at home with baby E, working online, and loving life in Alaska. Now, we are on the journey for baby #2 via embryo donation from IVFlygirl and her family.
Winter '01 - Met
Summer '05 - Married
Summer '07 - Stopped BCP
Spring '08 - Referral to RE
Fall 08 - Spring '09 - 3 IUI BFN
July/Aug '09 - IVF#1 BFN
Sept/Oct '09 - IVF #2 BFN
Nov '09 - Decided to pursue donor eggs
Jan/Feb '09 - IVF#3 with DE BFP!!!
June '10 - Moved to Alaska
August '10 - Admitted to hospital at 4 cm dilated. Rescue cerclage.
Oct '10 - Baby E born at 35 weeks. Healthy.
And they lived...
March '12 - selected as recipient for embryo donation!
July '12 - contracts signed, embryos shipped, lining checked, now transfer! BFN